Our Vision
We envision a climate resilient California with thriving bird populations and sustainable water for wildlife and people.
Addressing the conservation needs of our community has never been more urgent—both for migratory birds and for the people of the Central Valley—but the challenges we face are large, complex, and fast-evolving. From sudden and unpredictable climate events—droughts, floods, and fires—to the politics of the legislative process, conservation organizations must leverage increasingly wide-ranging expertise swiftly and adeptly in order to be successful. While there are many individual organizations committed to improving the quality of life in our communities and restoring wildlife habitats throughout the Valley, the only way we can rise to meet the huge challenges we face is through deep coordination and collaboration that harnesses the strengths of multiple partners.
Sandhill crane flying

That’s why Point Blue Conservation Science, Audubon California, and The Nature Conservancy joined forces ten years ago to form the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership—bringing the considerable strengths of each of our organizations to bear on the most pressing issues facing water management and migratory bird habitat in the Central Valley—accelerating innovative conservation work in our communities and creating a new model for collaboration in our field. Together, we are building and implementing the solutions we need to ensure California’s Central Valley becomes climate resilient, with thriving bird populations and sustainable water for wildlife and people.
Our Approach