
We are innovating to conserve the Central Valley’s birds and natural resources.

Our partnership uses conservation science, policy, and implementation to accelerate progress towards healthy, resilient natural and human communities in the Central Valley.

About the Partnership

Point Blue Conservation Science, Audubon California, and The Nature Conservancy joined forces ten years ago to form the Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership—bringing the considerable strengths of each of our organizations to bear on the most pressing issues facing water management and migratory bird habitat in the Central Valley.

More about us

The Challenge

In the midst of a changing landscape, birds have lost more than 90 percent of their historic Central Valley habitats, leading to population declines and even extinctions. Climate change poses additional challenges by increasing pressures on an already stressed environment. Providing habitat to sustain the Pacific Flyway requires solutions that work in the context of the altered Valley landscape, that consider and integrate the growing needs of local communities, and that are resilient to increasingly extreme weather events.

About the Challenge

Our Solutions

Between now and 2030, the Partnership is committed our goal of achieving thriving bird populations; sustainable water for wildlife and people; and climate resilience. We do this by collaborating with public and private landowners; providing technical and scientific information; advancing restoration efforts; guiding state and federal policies around water management; and many other strategies to re-establish bird populations and securing a sustainable water future for the Central Valley.

Learn more about our solutions below.

How we’re making a difference:

Get in touch with us

We envision a Central Valley with thriving wildlife and people, resilient to drought, fires, floods, and other climate change impacts. We can create a better future for birds and people alike.

Our partnership brings together a coordinated effort to turn the tide on habitat degradation and climate change impacts in our community. With your help, we can expand our collaboration and innovation—preparing our Valley to meet the challenges ahead. Will you join us?

Contact Us

A Fighting Chance

See this short film by Point Blue Conservation Science that explains why conserving and restoring wetlands is so important, what the birds that depend on these wetlands can teach us, and how local communities can be part of the conservation solution.

Resources & publications

We do applied research to find the best restoration and management practices that benefit farmers and birds. By sharing our findings with other conservation scientists, we make our science stronger and contribute to a growing body of knowledge that is improving conservation throughout the world.

See the resource list